had been parked in my back yard for a month, and asked, "What do you think of that?"

I told him that I believed Freud had made one of the most important discoveries in our civilization, and that it was true that Freud had reduced some things to sex, and others to family.

The farmer nodded vaguely. "This television program said if we understood sex, we'd understand why we act like we do."

Í agreed and underwent another close scrutiny as he drawled, "It

sure gives you something to think about, doesn't it?"

Keeping a straight face, I made a note to start watching more television. When men such as this publicly converse with known homosexuals and listen with interest to the teachings of Sigmund Freud, sexual toleration is ready for its first great march, in spite of the many reactionary road blocks which will always impede all necessary progress. In the meantime, to quote my friend, "It sure gives you something to think about, doesn't it?"

an open letter to SEN. DIRKSEN

10: Senator Evertil M. Dirksen

Senate of the United States ・Washhigton, D. C. ·Dear Senator Dirksen: BECAUSE I have admired you and applauded your career as a great Republican from a State which has

About This Article

A newspaper report in Southern California during the 1954 campaign credited Sen. Everett M. Dirksen with making critical· remarks about sex variants befure a gathering of Republican women. It motivated the letter ,published here. The author is a 'Republican party official in Califomial Because the writer admitted having homosexual tendencies, no name can be revealed. The original of this letter was mailed to Sen. Dirksen some time ago.


meant much to me, I trouble to write you this letter. I write, not only for myself however, but as a self. appointed spokesman for a large group of misunderstood and ma ligned people, a group to which you referred in your speech before the Republican women on Septem.  ̧ ber 22.

We are citizens of this country, we carry the blood and traditions of many great countries and races, and we share the American Dream; . that is, we share it until it is discovered that we are homosexual.

Your, reference to homosexuals, and the manner in which classi. you

fied us, does not perhaps distinguish you from other high Government authorities, But because your speech was made close to home, and was quoted in the local press, it is to you I write my words of protest.

Government employes are being fired as security risks when it is

mattachine REVIEW




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Citizen-News Dirksen Tells Of 'Destroyers' In Federal Jobs



: in:

Sen. Everett M. Dirksen (R-"greatest moral, spiritual and poK. l) told 1,100 Republican wom-litical force in the land." en at the Biltmore Hotel last night that "never were the de-ed to lambasting Democrats påst; stroyers and traitors in governand present, including Franklin Most of his speech was devot-i iment so busy" as during the 20 D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman ar years of Democrato, Tul and Adial Stevenson. Stat Elizabeth Farrington,


add it has been no picnic or the Republicans to seek out delegate to Hawaii in Congress, "the wreckers and destroyers, keynoted the 8th blennial cr the security risks and homo ventig, saying the meeting sexuels, the blabbermouths and press the hopes and de drunks; the traitors and: sabo. teurs" in government on dry of party, who ar Sen. Durksen, chairman of the fight for ideals ons of women, · National Republican Senatorial if necessary Committee for the fall elections. ing." addressed the convention of the The National Federation of Republisaid can Women, terming them the legi


Reproduced from Hollywood Citizen News Sept. 23, 1954

discovered that they are homosexual. Speaking for myself, while I am not a government employe, I cannot be bought, frightened, or blackmailed into revealing information the confi. dential nature of which I am morally charged with protecting. Speaking for the millions of other homosex.

T. conve

uals, the same can be said for them as individuals in the same propor tions that it can be said for heterosexuals.

In short, Senator, homosexuals are not homosexual 24 hours a day 365 days a year. We are not dis heterosexual tinguishable from